The CppWfMS project has been developed under the Linux Operative System. The installation procedure is based on Linux environment. The CppWfMS project has several external dependencies and in order to succeed in the compilation from sources the following libraries MUST be installed in your system:
# gzip -d X.tar.gz # tar -x X.tar # cd X # python install
Once all the libraries are installed in your system:
Unzip the cppwfms-XX.tar.gz into the directory cppwfms. (e.g $HOME/cppwfms)
# gzip -d cppwfms-XX.tar.gz
# tar -x cppwfms-XX.tar
Define the environment variable WFMS_HOME to point to the project root directory
# export WFMS_HOME = $HOME/cppwfms/
Enter in the project root directory
# cd cppwfms/
Compile the source code:
# ./configure --prefix=(the place where the libraries are installed) --with-boost=(the place where boost is installed)
(If the libraries are installed in the default location both prefix and with-boost variables should be /usr/ or /usr/local/)
# make
If everything worked fine you should find the project executable file: $WFMS_HOME/src/wfms.
# export LD_LIBRARY_PATH = $LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$WFMS_HOME/src/stdsoap2/ # export PYTHONPATH = $WFMS_HOME/src/python_modules/:$PYTHONPATH
# mysql -u user_name -p < src/persistence/cppwfms_db.sql
[DBConnection] SchemaName = "wfms"; ConnectionString = "localhost"; UserName = "cppwfms"; Password = "cppwfms"; [WfMS] WsdlLocation = "${WFMS_HOME}/wsdl/"; SubWorkflowLocation = "${WFMS_HOME}/src/sub/"; ScuflConverter = "${WFMS_HOME}/src/scufl/scufl2gwdl.xsl";P.S.: The name of sections (between []) are case sensitive, do NOT change the names of the sections.
# ./wfms tests/power.xmlIf you want the cppwfms to listen for incoming requestes via a WebService, you can use the --ws-i option that enable the WebService interface:
# ./wfms --ws-i # INFO - [2008-May-07 14:06:15] - Starting the SOAP server # INFO - [2008-May-07 14:06:15] - * Server Socket successfully created on port: 18083 # INFO - [2008-May-07 14:06:15] - * Listening for incoming connections...