The Workflow Management System (WfMS) project is developed within the CoreGRID european project. The main goal of this project is to provide an effective solution to run complex scientific workflows modeled with Petri Nets taking full advantage of the distributed and etherogeneous nature of the Grid. One of the design principle is the neutrality towards the underlying mechanism for task execution, in order not to compromise interoperability with multiple infrastuctures. The project also aims at language interoperability, placing attention to workflow description languages and introducing language translators. The internal representation of a workflow is based on the High Level Petri Nets (HLPN) formalism due to its formal semantics and the existence of several analysis tools. The reference language of the WfMS is the Grid Workflow Description Language (GWorkflowDL) which is based on the HLPN formalism. The fist prototype of the system have been tested with workflows accessing resources available on the Grid provided by the EGEE project, a large and relatively mature infrastucture. In particular, the execution of Grid jobs is performed by relying on the gLite Workload Management System (WMS) through its Web Service interface (WMProxy).
The CppWfMS project is developed by the CNAF department of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN).
The reference people for the project are:
Simone Pellegrini