CGW08 - Simone Pellegrini, Francesco Giacomini: Extending GWorkflowDL: A Multi-purpose Language for Workflow Enactment. Submitted for the 3rd CoreGRID Workshop on Grid Middleware, Barcellona, 2008. ( paper, slides )
WaGe08 - Simone Pellegrini, Francesco Giacomini: Desing of a Petri Net-based Workflow Engine. Submitted for the 3rd International Workshop on Workflow Management and Applications in Grid Environments (WaGe08), Kunming (China), 2008. ( paper, slides )
CGIW08 - Simone Pellegrini, Andreas Hoheisel, Francesco Giacomini, Antonia Ghiselli: Using GWorkflowDL for Middleware-Independent Modeling and Enactment of Workflows. In Proceedings of the CoreGRID Integration Workshop 2008, Creta, 2008. ( paper, poster )
CGW07 - Simone Pellegrini, Francesco Giacomini, Antonia Ghiselli: A Practical Approach for a Workflow Management System. In Proceedings of the CoreGRID Workshop 2007, Dresden, 2007. ( paper, slides )